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Stories titles starting with the letter V: Page 1
Very Scary Yet An Eye Opener by MELISSAP
So about three years ago I was helping a friend get her house ready to move in. Her mother-in-law had passed and left her and her husband the home. We were painting very late due to that was the only time I had free to lend a hand, So I was stating facts to her that I would have no clue about that h...
Vibration/shaking Waking Me Up Several Times A Night by Smltwngirl
I first had this vibrational/ shaking happen to me 5 years ago. It would be this PHYSICAL tremor happen in my chest and torso. It was not scary, but alarming. I was not understanding what is happening with my body. I'm in good health and don't smoke or do drugs. I got on anti- depressants at that...
Vision While Driving by Bebe
In 2008, I was going through a hard divorce, I did not take it well, I was deeply sadden. I was unable to sleep and often woke up in the middle of the night upset. So being a smoker, I would go outside to sit on the patio. That is when I started having visions. I was unaware of the dangers in store ...
Vivid Dreaming= What's Next? by moemamaof3
I am looking for help with coming to terms with my dreams. I've always had them. I actually drank myself to sleep for decades to get rid of them. But I got sober years ago and now my dreams are taking a toll on my every day life. I wake up exhausted and overwhelmed. It takes a while to process and t...
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