You are here: Your Astral Experiences :: Countries :: New Zealand :: Page 1
Stories from New Zealand: Page 1
Accidental Out-of-the-body Experience by Gabriella
I had an Out-of-the-body experience when I was 17 years old while I was meditating in my room. At that time, I was attending a Mind Control course with the Da Silva method on Saturday mornings. I felt my astral body leaving through my crown. All of a sudden, I didn't feel my body and couldn't mov...
Confusing Astral Encounters by mica
I have been into the astral world many times before, and I normally have a routine of what I do. However, this time was different, my room and my sister's room is parallel in our house, so my astral body was walking towards the door way and immediately stopped. Horrified by what I saw, a nun sitting...
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