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Stories from Florida, United States: Page 1
A Black Ocean by Gremthena
I haven't posted in some time for many reasons. I feel that lucid dreaming and astral projection give me anxiety all together. Although, I would love to share my experiences now. I would like to see others views on this. It's a very fuzzy memory so please bare with me. I remember open water, it look...
Almost Astral Projected, I Think? by Anonymoose
This story takes place in my bed between the times of 3:50-4:20 AM (not completely sure; I was on my phone, fell asleep, then woke up again, then had this O.B.E/astral projection). I apologize, but I should preface this with some important information and it may take long. PLEASE NOTE: I am very...
Sleep Paralysis Or Something More by Gremthena
I'm fairly new here. I wanted to share my story with anyone who will read and give feedback because I'm honestly tired of having these odd nightmares. I've always had weird, bizarre dreams. I think the first one started off with me coming out of my body and watching myself sleep. I do remember that ...
I Think I'm Close by starrylights
I've been interested in astral projecting for about 11 or 12 years, and as I get older, the more it makes sense to me. When I started learning about it and actively trying to project when I was 10 or 11, I would do everything wrong because I never really understood what I was doing. Luckily, now tha...
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