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Stories from Illinois, United States: Page 1
Sleep Paralysis And Demonic Dreams by Chadwik
I used to dread the night because I would have the same nightmare over and over again. A reoccurring nightmare. One night, when I was 15 years old, I snuck out of my house in the middle of the night. My parental unit forbade me from hanging around with my best friend, Ben; likewise, Ben's mother ...
First Projection (that I Know Of) Age 8 Or So by robmkivseries70
Good Day, Based on where I lived at the time, I was 7-9 years old and had no idea this was any different from some sort of dream. I remember being 'up' as 'not in bed' but with the ability to fly around inside my house. While it was dark, I was able to see like one might in semi bright moon light. ...
1st Astral Projection by Straypup59
When I was in High School (era mid-1970's) we had a creative literature class that was taught by a very progressive and free-thinking teacher who had us explore various phenomenon based on literary works that she had chosen. Such topics as Pyramid Power and using Crystals for healing was just coming...
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