I've read a few stories on this website about people having similar experiences and wanted to share mine and get a little advice on how to move forward from here. I used a calming technique from a YouTube video I learned to try to consciously astral project about one year ago, but after hearing the thumping noises in my ears I got too scared and forced my body out of it, or as I've heard it referred to on this website; unfreeze.
I haven't tried again since. For the last week or 2, particularly in the morning when I start to fall back asleep after being woken up by my son or cat, I start to hear that same thumping/whooshing sound again and as it continues; my body gets more and more frozen. Usually I get freaked out because I can't swallow and think if I let it happen I'll choke on my saliva.
The sound can be compared to the sound you hear when a car window is rolled down on the freeway, but in heartbeat like bursts; not a constant sound.
Sometimes I let it happen and try to see what would happen if I just laid still.
The first time I let it happen I was taken over by a very bright white light and an outstretched hand came down from a square latch door like the kind you see going up to an attic space. I grabbed the hand and was being pulled up and then my cat woke me up.
2 days ago I let it happen again and was taken over by a green light and saw my late cat Simba who passed away almost a year ago. I still haven't finished grieving him yet. Again I was woken up by loud noises from my apartment complex.
Is it possible I actually saw my cat? Is he trying to communicate with me?
This morning I heard the thumping again but just wanted to go back to sleep so I forced myself out of it several times until it stopped.
Am I close to actual AP or is there another step or action I need to follow to progress?