I have always been an active dreamer, but a lot of my dreams have felt so real. I really don't know how to categorize these Dreams so I will share how these three dreams have haunted me most of my life.
The first would be reoccurring thing when I was younger. I would travel to different places in my sleep. I would always tell my grandmother about the places I went too, but my mother would tell me not to embellish my fantasies. I don't remember most places I visited but I do remember the last place I saw. It was a huge waterfall, I think it was Niagara Falls, but I can't be sure because it was so unique I don't think it was. I was floating, just watching the waterfall, it was surrounded by a jungle-like forest. I just watched the water, I felt peaceful, it was night there as well. When I woke up the next morning I had the worst pain in my neck. It was so intense. I had that pain very often, but this time was worse than the others.
The second felt more of a lucid dream. I know it was someone trying to tell me something but I never made sense of it. In this dream I was being held captive, but I could tell it was in plain sight. I woke up in this trailer, but I didn't fell right. Everything was going in slow motion, I think I was drugged. Then a very large man picked me up, and I wanted to scream but I couldn't, because I was so incredibly tired. My clothes were bell bottoms but they were old and dirty. I was in the 70's? I was being carried out of a white trailer that was parked in an alleyway or the corner of a block. I remember looking at this fire and just staring at this brick wall in front of me. All I could feel was hunger, and panic because I knew I was going to die. I wanted to run but I knew I couldn't because I was so tired. He set me there let me watch the fire and took me back in the trailer. My last thought before I woke up was that he was going to rape me.
The last would be about a time where I am sure I dreamt my death in a past life. It felt so real. I was something of a warrior, very strong individual. I was serving with someone, someone I was very loyal too. We were going on a mission, something very dangerous. It was at night (I dreamt this when I was younger so I can only remember bits and pieces). I know I warned him against the danger, but he was so set on going, finding what we needed to find. I don't remember if I loved him or if I was fiercely devoted to what this cause was. But I knew I would follow him into whatever depths I needed too. We were searching, weapons in hand, and then something swift passed, and murdered him. I was distraught, I ran to his body and he said something to me before he passed. I know he was telling me to leave but I wouldn't. I took my last stand against what I thought was one, but turned out to be many. I died being mauled to death. When I woke up I knew that it didn't happen on earth.
If anyone can tell me anything about any of this I would very much appreciate. I happen to dream of very heavily important things often but don't get to share with people. I did want to share these three instances because they are the ones that have stuck with me.