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Your Astral Experiences

Three Monks And A Man In The Black Suit


Long story short: Recent breakup. Very distraught. Cried out loud for help. Felt abandoned by everyone. Finally fell asleep.

Around three-thirty in the morning, I wake up to go to the bathroom and realize I'm completely paralyzed. I can't move except to turn my head from side to side. I can't speak. I feel like I'm sinking deeper into the bed.

After watching the clock for about thirty minutes, I decided to try again and get up-I can't. I'm scared because I have no control over my body. My mind is clear though. I'm not dreaming-I'm wide awake!

Next thing I remember is a man in a black suit. His face is a black void. He's standing on the side of my bed. I know I should be terrified, but I'm not. Strangely, everything about him was pleasing-creepy, but pleasing. He didn't speak, but somehow I knew he wanted me to go with him-to take his hand and go with him. That's when I looked away.

At the foot of my bed are three monks-no faces, just brown robes. Every time I tried to get up to go with this man, it felt as if the monks were pushing me back down. This went on for about an hour. I just kept trying to get up and go with him, and the monks kept pushing me back down.

Eventually, I quit looking at the man. I refused to look at him.

When I finally got the courage to turn and check the time, the man was gone. I looked at the foot of my bed and the monks were gone. Only then was I able to get up.

A couple of years later I had a NDE.

Has anyone ever seen a man in a black suit or monks-all without faces?

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Comments about this astral experience

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Ash (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-09)
I woke up once to find the man with the black suit and the void where his face would be sitting on the edge of my bed. I started to scream and move away from him, and he got down onto the mattress and started to crawl after me. It was the most terrifying visitation I have ever had, and I came here specifically looking for answers about this entity,
Lily (guest)
7 years ago (2018-09-21)
The monks in the robes sound like the mantis (insectoids)
They use sleep paralysis so you won't hurt yourself or them in case you panic.
They are master geneticists. Nothing to fear.
Most people who have had experiences with the insectoids have had experiences way back to their childhood.
Some people remember a clicking sound in the room when they are there.
Perhaps try googling manstis insectoid and see if it resonates.
Neil Farren (guest)
7 years ago (2018-05-04)
Hey there. From reading the story I think it could have been sleep paralysis judging by the fact you were paralyzed. You can google or bing sleep paralysis if you are not familiar with it. I hope that helped
Josh (guest)
7 years ago (2018-04-16)
Hope you read this. But OMG, I had a very similar situation. I was sleeping on my friends couch, he was also sleeping on other end. I thought I woke up, however I could not move. And everything had a dark hue, the hallway light was on. I could move my eyes, or head, not sure, but I saw 4 beings in the kitchen. 3 were standing together, with robes & hoods on, no face or eyes. 2 were tall, one half the height. The 4th one freaked me out the most. It was short like the 3rd, hooded, no face, it must have noticed me looking at them. It moved twards me so very fast, perfect floating motion, it was the perfect height to be face to face with me, only thing separating us was the back of the couch. I remember being so frightened, but somehow I knew that if I used all my concentration and focused on moving my right arm, it felt like a long time and exhausted all my energy, but finally moved my arm, and it felt like I woke up for a second time, but this time light was normal and all 4 entities had vanished. My friend and 2 dogs were snoring away.
sam (guest)
7 years ago (2018-03-04)
i saw exactly what you saw almost 10 years ago. Almost exact same experience. I was trying to see what it could mean and stumbled across your story. Same descriptions. Wiiild. I "woke up" and three of them were at the foot of my bed. Looked like dark brown robes and too dark to see their faces. There was also a black shadow there too. I tried to leave my room but I was "locked" in there and couldn't get passed my door so I went back to my body and woke up. I'm just as confused what they were doing there or who they are but is intense lol
Stephen (guest)
7 years ago (2017-12-03)
I have a friend who has described a similar figure she's sees, she said he looks like the slenderman also, very tall, very slim, but she's told me that he is her spirit guide, says that he is very respectful of her; she even asks him to leave her bedroom while she's sleeping and he respects her wishes.

My friend has told me she's been able to see sprits around her all her life, and when she was young, it used to terrify her, but she's gotten used to it as she gets older. As far as I know, she hasn't experienced any Astral travel or had an OBE, but she still see's the "man in black" or the "slenderman" figure, but describes him as her spirit guide and not a person to be afraid of.
Michi (guest)
8 years ago (2017-08-05)
I know that a lot of people have seen a similar "man in a suit". But the mote common name for him is 'the man with the hat'. Did the man you saw while you were paralized had a hat by any chance? You can also read more information about him on the internet. Hope it helps!:D
Mary the astralnoob (guest)
8 years ago (2017-08-04)
Today I tried to astral project for the first time, I didn't read much about it only the info about how to do it, but let me explain how it started, I woke up this morning and I realized that I had a lucid dream, actually few of them, I would dream then wake up then dream an etc. I tried to fall asleep so I could continue my lucid dream but I couldn't so somehow I remembered watching shane dawson's video about astral projection and sleep paralysis and I wanted to find out what it is and how to do it. I firat tried in my bedroom but my mom was on my computer so she made a lot of noise, I couldn't concetrate. I went to my parent's room and I laid on my back. I relaxed every muscle of my body and I started feeling my leg go numb, I also felt needles going into my skin, they were not painful and I wasn't scared even tho needles are my biggest fear. Next thing I see even though my eyes are closed I see a invisible ish blue ish figure coming out of me really fast but I could only see my head. I looked to my right and I saw a black figure like a slenderman but black standing near my bed. I "woke up" scared but then I saw my curtain where the man was standing so I was like oh its just my curtain even tho I remember a figure like I could see its headand everything but now I even remember something creepier, I'm shaking so sorry for my grammar. I saw a light where the man was, at first I thought it was from the window but just now I remember I had my eyes fully closed. And just now I realiz that I saw everything perfectly clear even though my eyes were closed, I'm kind of freaked out.
Dane (guest)
8 years ago (2017-07-26)
I concur with Nein, the monks probably have been there to help you resist this suited man.

I also would like to point out that, a BLACK suit is ONLY properly worn at a funeral.
(atleast in western cultures, I don't know if it also goes for other cultures out there)
A business suit is often Grey or dark blue, or such hue's, but never black.

This could link to your NDE.
Do keep in mind its symbolism.
Created by your mind, intended for you:).
nein (guest)
8 years ago (2017-07-26)
I have no idea what the monks and suit guy are about but I think it might have been that the monks were protecting u from the suit guy.

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