In 1993 I had made the very selfish decision to take my own life. There was nothing I could think to say to anyone. I felt like my stupid and trivial problems would be such a burdon so I told no one.
I knew I was going to do this. I was on autopilot so to speak. I did manage to mention it to my doctor, who was not the smartest and prescribed me 100 50 mg Trazadone. An antidepressant mixed with a sleep aid.
I tried for two days taking 1/2 a pill at bedtime, but literally could not stay awake the next day they were so strong. After an entire day of drinking, and harder drugs (I'm a recovering addict 25 yrs) I decided to go home and take the 98 pills I had left.
I remember the entire near death experience, but without getting into that, let me just say I was in a coma for 3 days. I have always heard that strange things can happen to people who have been in a coma.
Approximately 5 years later after I gave birth to my 2nd baby, and I believe spontaneous astral projection began happening to me then.
I would simply lie down with my baby to try and get some rest during his nap time, and no sooner had I shut my eyes did I leave my body and begin flying at what felt like a very high rate of speed, at no more than about one foot off the ground.
As I flew I saw things in color but when I arrived at my apparent destination it was dusk. I was hovering or moving slowly above a tree line watching what I assumed was a lost child look for a cozy and safe tree to sleep under.
This happened like this all the time. My babies nap, I close my eyes, fly super fast to some trees by dusk, just in time to see some poor little boy it always seemed between the ages of 4-7 try and find a place to sleep because it was getting dark.
What kind of sense does that make? I had no idea where I was, who the kids were. So I should call the police and say, ' hi, I fly to some woods where I see a lost child every day. I haven't any geographical landmarks to give you, or any other information that may help, just thought you should know?