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Chandra Levy (Missing Woman)
Case Background
As some of you may be aware, Chandra Levy is a young woman who has been missing approximately one year. She was last seen closing her gym membership in Washington D.C. Her apartment was virtually untouched in that all her belongings were still intact, except for her keys, which were missing. The reason that this case is so prominent is that there were allegations that Chandra was having an affair with married Congressman, Gary Condit. After more than a month of denying it, Susan Levy, Chandra's mother, confirmed that her daughter had told her she had been seeing Condit romantically. Condit has since passed a lie detector test which has cleared him in the investigation (after research I found it quite interesting that the lie detector test was not given by the police, but was announced by Abbe Lowell, Condit's lawyer, that his client had passed a lie detector test administered by a "former FBI agent" in his office.) Condit also later admitted to the affair he had with Chandra.
There were phone and pager records that Chandra had tried to call him repeatedly before her planned move back to California, which was days before her disappearance.
The Viewing
I remote viewed this case while in light Theta, using a Monroe Gateway hemi-sync tape, and in several sessions.
Session One:
From the images I saw, Chandra was strangled and dumped near a body of water. [Chandra's body has since been located. Although it was near a creek, this portion of the viewing seems to be an analytical overlay.] One thing to note of interest here is that the man who found her were looking for turtles, which dwell near water.
Session Two:
I just did this second session on 5/4/02, and saw several things of interest. I saw a second set of keys to her apartment in someone else's possession. It appears that Condit had a second set of apartment keys and gave them to man "X". There was no forced entry as this was not necessary. I saw man X walking from a distance, through a park type area, to her apartment (the car was specifically not parked nearby). I also saw Condit talking to his secretary and not directly involved that night. Oddly enough, as stated earlier, her keys are still missing. Why would all things be left behind and not the keys? She told her landlord a month or so back that she wanted out of her lease as she wanted to get an apartment with a man (whose identity she did not disclose). If she was intimate enough with this lover to consider moving in with him, he'd have a copy of her apartment keys. Her whole set of keys are missing quite possibly because one would have been his (finger prints?) She ended up not getting out of her lease because the affair fell through (so she told the landlord). The landlord also asked, "Why doesn't he just move in with you?" And she said that was out of the question. Gary Condit was and still is married. A flight attendant who claims she had a 10-month affair with Rep. Gary Condit says a private investigator working for the congressman's lawyer asked her to sign an affidavit stating that they had no relationship but she rejected the request and went public "for fear of her life."
I also heard this date range: "Between the fourth and the ninth." I went and looked up her last contact info, and she was last heard of by her parents, from an email, dated May 1st of last year. Is there another meaning behind that date?
I thought it odd that there would be a "field or park" near her apartment since she lived in Washington D.C., but I just found this reference that surprised me, "D.C. police expand their search for Chandra Levy by combing through a city park frequented by Levy and located near Levy's apartment building."
If I were police, I would be tracking down sets of keys made under Chandra's name in the D.C. vicinity, finding out if Condit has a boat and who this "ex-FBI" contact is.
After typing the above text, I was reading a list of events on the case, and I found this reference, "FBI agents interview a hardware store employee who says Levy ordered keys from him a day after police said she was last seen."
I have now gotten confirmation on the keys and a park.

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